Become a BHWOCC Member

Who can join?

The Boston Harbor Women of Color Coalition is a collaborative, solutions-driven, supportive group of people who identify as women of color who work on or for the Boston Harbor, the Boston Harbor Islands, and/or work to get our communities engaged in green and blue spaces.

Regardless of where you fall on the gender spectrum, or if your passion for public spaces is personal or professional, we welcome any individuals who identify with the experience of being a woman of color who works toward connecting community members of color to the outdoors.

We welcome BHWOCC Members at all phases of their career, all ages, and all backgrounds. Our coalition is intentionally collaborative, multi-generational, and diverse.

Maria Rodriguez Ortega joined the Boston Harbor Women of Color Coalition in 2021 and has served as the first ever BHWOCC Project Coordinator since then.

β€œThe coalition has provided me with support, mentorship, and a strong sense of community. I am lucky to be immersed in this transformative experience that has helped advance opportunities both professionally and personally.”-Maria